Like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Dracula has advanced into various structures and fostered a unique kind of energy. Stoker didn’t make the vampire custom, yet his book altogether affected the way things were produced for people in the future.

Dracula embodied a ton of Victorian Britain’s stresses over the disintegration of old culture notwithstanding current innovation, as well as the ethical rot welcomed on by the danger that realism and coherent positivism presented to Christianity.

In the wake of experiencing various strokes, Stoker died at No. 26 St George’s Square, London on 20 April 1912. A few biographers characteristic the reason for death to exhaust, others to tertiary syphilis.

Abraham Stoker (8 November 1847 – 20 April 1912) was an Irish creator who is commended for his 1897 Gothic frightfulness novel Dracula. During his lifetime, he was also called the individual aide of entertainer Sir Henry Irving and business administrator of the Lyceum Theater, which Irving claimed.

— Curtailed Rambler (@francisxyzk) October 30, 2022

Moreover, he wanted to travel, particularly to Cruden Narrows, the setting for two of his books. Stoker acquired motivation for writing Dracula while in Whitby, an English waterfront town.