Imagine this. You are a dinosaur roaming around the Earth during the Mesozoic era. Survival is the only thing on your mind. Other dinosaurs are trying to attack you. You have to avoid natural hazards while making sure you have food and water in order to survive. Sounds amazing, right? This first game from Urvogel Studios is here to give you that experience. Saurian is a open world survival game where you get to explore the Hell Creek ecosystem in the Mesozoic era as a dinosaur.

Backed by science and passion, the team behind Saurian created this game using research they gathered from scientists and members of their own team to make this game as realistic as it could be. As much as they want people to enjoy playing the game, they want the player to learn about the dinosaurs and the world they live in. I was lucky enough to interview them about their project and how having an emu on their team makes the game so much better.

Joey Marrazzo: While growing up, what made you so interested in dinosaurs that stuck with you and made you want to create a game where you could play as one?

JM: You’ve consulted many experts while researching the attributes of dinosaurs, how important was that to making Saurian authentic in terms of the dinosaurs?


JM: On your team, you have an aspiring zoologist, a recovering evolutionary biologist, and an Emu named Gerry. How did you recruit all of them to be a part of Saurian?


JM: How is Gerry’s work ethic and what did he bring to the game that no one else could?

JM: What kind of challenges would the dinosaurs face in the game in order to survive?

JM: What games inspired you to pick this type of gameplay?

JM: This seems to be a passion project for your team. Did that make you want to create the game you wanted to and go through Kickstarter instead of giving it to a major developer and possibly losing some of the heart behind it?


JM: There have been several Kickstarter game campaigns that were fully funded but never fully released. Does that put any pressure on you to follow through on the game and make sure there are no major setbacks in development?

JM: The dinosaurs will roam a portion of the Hell Creek Formation from 66 million years ago. What made you choose that section and what did you do to make it look like we are playing in the Mesozoic era?

JM: Once the game is released, do you have any plans for DLC or expansion packs to make the world of Saurian bigger or add more creatures to it?

JM: Ross Geller is a famous paleontologist from New York, have you tried to contact him in regards to scientific research?

 JM: Thank you so much for doing this interview with me. Congratulations on getting the game funded, is there anything else you would like to say about the game?

Saurian has exceeded their Kickstarter goal and the Urvogel team is hard at work to deliver an authentic dinosaur experience. From the realistic ecosystem, to the vast research put into make the dinosaurs look and act real, Saurian will fulfill your dinosaur roaming needs. 

If you want to help out Saurian and secure your copy of the game, head to their Kickstarter page and pledge today. For $15, you get yourself a digital copy of the game along with early access. Saurian will be a game you will definitely want to play once it releases in January of 2017 for PC and Mac.