FlammableAce hacked a random NPC on the street, who was talking about “keeping a trailer from being leaked.” Ace then took it upon himself to go to the Ubisoft HQ in San Francisco, climb the building and then hack the security system, making his way to the boss’ office before downloading a trailer for a new game.

The trailer for the new game, as seen on the broadcast, was unfortunately mute because of connection errors (or perhaps they purposely blocked the audio for that scene on broadcasts). However, Ace uploaded later threw the broadcast up on YouTube with the audio intact, which is featured below.

Whether the trailer above is real or not isn’t known yet. But if it were, it could just be another reason why Ubisoft is a brilliant developer.

You can get your hands on Watch Dogs 2 Nov. 15th for PS4 and Xbox One, and Nov. 29th for PC.

What do you think? Do you feel this is just part of the Watch Dogs 2 or do you feel Ubisoft actually premiered a new game through Watch Dogs 2? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!