Ruud is a lady from Missouri who has been confronting preliminary for purportedly killing her natural girl in 2017. Specifically, she had a natural girl named Savannah Leckie, who wound up dead ruthlessly in 2017.

Rebecca offered her organic little girl Savannah to her dear companions Tamile Leckie-Montague and David Leckie. Rebecca felt she was not prepared to take care of her little girl in the underlying days.

Further, David and Tamile cared for Savannah in Minnesota for a really long time. Nonetheless, Savannah confronted inconvenience after her new parents separated away in 2010. Moreover, Savannah experienced wretchedness and ADHD, where she endeavored self destruction on different occasions.

Ruud assumed control over her natural little girl in 2016 and kept her on a homestead in country Ozark County, Missouri. Besides, Savannah was a recruit for a neighborhood local group of fire-fighters.

Did Rebecca Ruud Murder Her Daughter Savannah Leckie? Rebecca Ruud has been on the seat preliminary in Ozark County, Missouri, for supposedly Killing her natural girl, Savannah Leckie, at the flow date. In any case, it is as yet the subject of discussion in the court if Rebecca Ruud Murder her girl Savannah Leckie.

Specifically, the investigator asserted Rebecca had killed her natural little girl in the wake of sedating her. Further, the investigator guaranteed she consumed Savannah subsequent to beating her to the passing with a rake.

Then again, the guard group denied the allegation. Moreover, the protection legal counselor called the examiner’s case a misleading story. Nonetheless, we want to hang tight for the decision of the court to see whether she killed Savannah or not.

Rebecca Ruud’s Husband, Robert Peat Rebecca Ruud is a joyfully hitched lady to her better half Robert Peat at the ongoing date. Specifically, she was in a heartfelt connection with Robert peat for a really long time prior to getting hitched.

Rebecca Ruud Trial continues…

“Daughter killed herself. Admitted to finding her body and taking it to the burn pile”

Justice for Savannah Leckie #RebeccaRuud #SavannahLeckie

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— JustJoNoE (@Just_JoNoE) June 28, 2022

Then again, Robert Peat Jr could affirm in court about seeing Savannah on July 19 with her mom quarreling about schoolwork. Further, Robert Peat apparently visited the homestead with his father Robert Peat Sr on July 18, 2017, and his father treated Ruud’s consumes.

In the mean time, many individuals keep thinking about whether Robert Peat was associated with the homicide of his stepdaughter, Savannah. Notwithstanding, the decision is yet to report, however he got prosecuted with Rebecca for charges of killing Savannah.

Rebecca Ruud Trial Update Rebecca Ruud’s seat preliminary has turned into a hotly debated issue on the web to the momentum date. Specifically, Rudd’s preliminary started on Monday, June 27, 2022, in Reene County. Further, Green County Judge Calvin Holden has been outlining the situation.

Further, Anthony Brown has been filling in as an examiner in the court. Also, he has set the articulation against Rebecca in court. Then again, Yvette Renee Duvall is a guard legal counselor.