Some players saw this as corrupt. They felt that providing the option to pay more was entirely greedy, as some of the offers included things such as being able to play the game a full four days before it is released. In a society where no one wants to be second, it seemed that the goal was to provide an incentive so good that players were essentially “forced” to pay more for their pre-order if they are long time fans who want to play as soon as possible.

After the huge controversy that these offers created, this idea was scrapped. Now, anyone who pre-orders the game will have access to this incentive content, and the release date will not be changed by pre-ordering the game. The release date remains, and will remain, February 23rd, 2016.

Deus Ex pre order bonus canceled    Deus Ex  Mankind Divided - 37Deus Ex pre order bonus canceled    Deus Ex  Mankind Divided - 46