For instance, some teams require players spend a certain amount of time on healthy activities and prefer that they even eat together.

Of course, not all teams do this. Instead many players live their own lives apart from the team, getting together online to train. This likely makes it easier to do things like getting married and having little gamers of their own.

Plus, it allows them some much needed time to themselves.

That aside, “team houses” are definitely popular with certain groups. So, it should be no surprise that someone has taken it upon themselves to design the “gaming house of the future.” One such company is the design firm Populous, who debut their vision for gaming houses at the Tate Modern in London this past November.

Visually, the concept is pretty interesting. As Esports News reports, it won’t just be a place for the team to live and go about their daily routine. This house will be a home for both players and their fans. 

That’s right. If Cloud 9 has one of these houses, their fans will be dropping by and hanging out in the lower levels, making use of the skate park, and climbing wall… not to mention “The Cave”, a hippodrome where players can watch matches on an LED surface.

The players’ living area will be in what’s called “The Egg.” This room is in part of a hollowed-out theater building near the main structure.  Players will have access to all the amenities – workout space, living space, and the like. The other nice thing is that Populous intends to make use of existing structures for this design.

Interesting design aside, I’m left wondering about the mental health and general safety of the players. I can’t imagine  anyone with any kind of a following wanting to live in a structure so closely tied to their fans. Most esports players I know love their fans. But it’s kind of hard to go about living your life when they’re always around.

It also seems like a bit of a security issue if you get that one fan that’s just a little overzealous.

On the other hand, I could be wrong and this might be exactly the kind of thing players are looking for. You never know.