A video supposedly uncovering a phony blood donation center unit from UP has turned into a web sensation on the virtual entertainment. It has been shared on the web-based entertainment by a neighborhood columnist.


To the unversed, both plasma and mosambi (sweet lime) juice ‘seem to be’ comparable.

Vice president Priest Brajesh Pathak said that a test into the occurrence was in progress and a test report was normal soon.

“Severe move will be made against those tracked down blameworthy for the situation,” he said.

In the interim, taking a perspective on the rising dengue cases, the state government has confined every UP specialist and paramedical staff from withdrawing.

The Allahabad High Court on Wednesday guided the Metropolitan Enterprise here to inform it about the means taken for the control and counteraction of dengue.

— SUSIM C SAHANI (@c_susim) October 20, 2022

The Lucknow Seat of the court likewise requested that the state government advise it about the update regarding clinical offices.